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Posted By on 05/12/10 - Bookmark Babe Sites


Let me just tell you a little about myself.  I am overly compulsive some times, don’t know why just am.  I saw these pictures immediately poured some coke on my head, ran outside and then rolled in the mud. Why?  I felt the sudden urge to take a shower is why.  Pattycake is waiting for Pete’s sake.

I may be deranged, I may be a little off.  I am fine with that because I am with PattyCake and I am about to get off.  She is just amazing, those eyes and pretty face…  Want to to jizz on the face.  Those breasts, juggs, boobies, tits, eyes of love, I could go all day…  Want to jizz on those boobies.  Ok, I admit it, I just want to jizz.

If you want more, you have you go to Patty’s house.  Pattycake has video’s, Webcam, Pictures, see her ass.  Want to jizz on the ass.  Yes, there is wool too…  Too scared to jizz on the wool, but love it just the same.  So cum Patty’s and knit your sweater today.

Pattycake Online

Blogged Under: Babes,Big Tits,Pattycake
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