Some girls want nothing more than to blow up. No, I don’t mean blow up as in light a fire cracker up their ass, you sicko! I am talking about procreating and eating stupid shit that doesn’t taste right like pickles and rocky road ice cream. Not to mention, doing so while telling a guy down wind and 50 yards away to put his cigarette out because it is somehow making your pregnant, fat ass nauseous.
Here is a tip, bitch. It ain’t the fucker smoking that is making you gag, it is that little bundle of joy you seem to want to pop out every 16 months! Fat slug!
Now where was I? Oh yes, Molly’s Life. This blonde hottie has no desire to procreate so her site is pretty much populated with lesbian videos. Piping hot lesbian videos!
Molly and her friends were always the type of girls that couldn’t seem to keep their legs closed while wearing skirts. The kind that knew their bathing suit was partially see-thru when wet and it didn’t stop them from getting in and out of the water constantly. You know the type… The kind that crave attention!
So give them some fucking attention you asshole!
You are lucky Molly is a cool chick because I am about ready to kick the living shit out of you. Instead, is going to give you unlimited access to the entire Muffia network!
You may have won this battle… But we will see who wins the whore… [cough]…. war!